2025 Term One Peer Programs

Welcome to our 2025 Term 1 Peer Programs
Welcome to 2025!! Let’s kick off the year with some great peer programs catering to the unique needs and interests of each child – using the powerful learning opportunities created when we get groups of peers to work +play together.
At Kids&Community, we are super proud of our rich and vibrant programs. In fact – we have the longest running group-based OT programs on the Gold Coast!(Yes – we knew the power of peer based programs long before the NDIS arrived!) What this means is you are the beneficiary of over 15 years of practice wisdom, well established systems of support and training, highly skilled facilitators and targeted programs that deliver lasting functional outcomes.
Now, with the introduction of our Community Inclusion Program, our peer programs are now a springboard into longer term engagement and participation in community based sporting and leisure activities.
How can you get involved? We keep it super simple as always:
1. Check out the programs on offer this term
2. Check the age range, location date and time suits
3. Hit the link and register!