Helping kids + teens to be, become + belong!
If your child or teen is having difficulty engaging and participating in the things that bring them joy – we can help! At Kids+Community, our focus is on: enabling your child to BE their authentic self; supporting them to BECOME all the things they hope to be; and have a sense of BELONGING in their family + community.

The Really Important Stuff
We hold the foundations of our service – developing and enabling connections, play, independence and participation and supporting inclusion central to everything we do . In focussing on these foundations we work together to help you and your child/teen achieve the ultimate goals of feeling safe, feeling connected, have a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose.
What is Occupational Therapy?
“Occupations” are the everyday things we do that “occupy” our days. The things we want, need or are expected to do as an individual, part of a family group and/or as part of the community. It’s also most importantly the things we do that being us joy and give our life meaning.
For a whole range of reasons, some kids + teens can find it hard to do the things they want or need to do. A child’s “occupations” vary according to their age and stage of development, the context of their family and their community.
Kids+teens may experience difficulty with some or many of the skills these roles require. This is where OT can help! We work with you and your child to decide what the challenge is and why the challenge exists and then work with you to problem solve how to best overcome this challenge either by learning new skills, making modifications to the environment or the task and sometimes working with others to help change attitudes and better understand your child.

Working with your child or teen one on one allows us to focus intensively on development of skills that will help your child/teen achieve their goals. We work individually with kids+teens across a variety of settings.

Our rich and varied group programs of support offer supportive social settings for your child/teen to make connections, develop skills and problem solve challenges. Our programs are constantly evolving and offer something for everyone!

A program that supports kids+teens to smash those community based goals and participate in community based activities. Our OT Assistant program focuses on skill development in community based settings.

Coaching parents+carers, building capacity to meet the needs of kids+teens. We also provide support through a number of face to face and online forums to connect families/carers + share ideas + resources.

A unique program for our kids to experience a real working café + to access a “real world” environment to practice, learn and develop a wide range of skills. Because therapy should look different as a teenager!

Where to from here?
Step One Contact us. We will get some basics and get you started!
Step Two Connect with us. We will meet with you in a Getting Started Meeting.
Step Three Lets Get To Know Each Other – so then we can make a plan targeted to your needs + get started!